Life is short. We all deserve the opportunity to live our lives as happily as we possibly can. The last thing anybody needs is something that deters us from interacting with loved ones. For many, however, the thought of any type of social gathering can be terrifying. And it often comes down to being too scared to smile.
According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, more than 35 million Americans are missing all their teeth in one or both jaws. This can cause extreme insecurity for people which could result in a decline in one’s level of living. In the past, dentures were the most popular solution for tooth replacement. While this works well for some, dentures can lose their shape over time and become quite uncomfortable to wear, and finally another, in many ways better. avenue has presented itself: dental implants.
Dental implants are the more advanced, permanent solution for edentulism. AAID states that three million people have implants and that number is growing by 500,000 a year. It’s clear that this is the procedure of the future concerning teeth replacement, but what how exactly does this procedure work and why is it so popular?
The secret of the procedures’ success is in something called osseointegration. This is where the magic happens:
Osseointegration is the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of an artificial implant. Essentially, it’s a biological and organic form of welding between a metal like titanium with the underlying bone. This process can be performed for various parts of the body, however it is the lone technique used by dentists and oral surgeons for dental implants. As vigorous of a process as that sounds, the results have been tremendous. The success rate of dental implants has been reportedly over 98 percent. The process begins with drilling a metal rod or screw through the gums and into the bone of the jaw. Then a custom designed ceramic prosthetic tooth will be placed over the end of the rod to blend, match, and restore your smile
That’s not to say such a procedure is without risk. According to oral surgeon Andrew R. Glenn, Pain, bruising, and swelling are all to be expected, as the case with most surgeries. However, with the brand new smile comes the low risk danger of more serious issues such as infection and implant failure.. Glenn states that these side effects are rare as the surgery is minimally invasive, but rare as they are patients must be aware of the risks before making such an investment.
The future of tooth replacement and restoration is here, and it’s called dental implants. We all deserve happy lives. Why be afraid of attending a party or social gathering? A radiant, confident smile is within your grasp thanks to this revolutionary procedure.